So pleased to share this gorgeous film I was a part of this year, directed by @catherineprowse for Palliative Care Queensland @palliativecareq. It was a privilege to make several of the supporting puppets for this lovely project and work alongside such a fab crew! BTS to come so keep an eye out 👀
Director: Catherine Prowse @catherineprowse
Producer: Daisy Garside @daisygarside
Director of photography: George Warren @george_warrennnn
Gaffer: Aldo Camilleri
Art direction: Sarah Crombie, Yossel Simpson-Little @solomon_yossel
Puppet makers: Adeena Grubb @adeenagrubb, Emma Niemis @emmaniemis
Additional puppet maker: Areeya Bass @areeyas_creations
Animators: Anita Bruvere @anitavere, Tony Farquhar Smith @smokinghippo, Steve Warne, Max Martin @maxmartin.ceramics
Compositing: Rory Waudby-Tolley @rory_wt
Colour grade: George Warren
Storyboards: Victoria Budgett @victoria.budgett
Character design: Rachelle Slingerland
Concept art: Julliet Michel
2D illustrations: Rachelle Slingerland and Maureen Van Der Hout @tante.pastellia
BTS filming: Joe Eckworth @joe.eckworth
Shot at: Clapham Road Studios @claphamrdstudio
Palliative Care Queensland
Chief executive officer: Louise O'Neill
Program and policy manager: Debbie Singh
Senior communications officer: Michael Levick
Creative partner: Ant Melder
Senior art director: Loz Maneschi
Senior art director: Jimmy Williams
Lead copywriter: Lewis Clarke
Design director: Chris Clausen
Managing director: Chiquita King
Executive producer: Monique Pardavi
Smith and Western
Executive producer and sound designer: Dan Higson
Creative director: Nick West
Sound designer: Jacob He
Track: Pixies - Here Comes Your Man
Music supervision: Level Two Music
Music publishing: Universal Music Publishing
Music recording: Beggars Group